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Quantum Confidence With The Morry Methodth
Quantum Confidence With The Morry MethodTh A¡A¡ Order Now | Contact Us A¡A¡ A¡A¡ If you have been working hard to achieve the SUCCESS in life, but there is seemingly always something that eludes you, you just can't seem to make that breakthrough, then... At last, An amazing NEW breakthrough system based on the latest cutting-edge brain technology that completely removes the ROOT CAUSE of all your life's problems and frustrations automatically with no effort on your part! ...Now you can achieve your fullest potential in your finances, relationships, health and every aspect of your life! 100% guaranteed, or you don't pay a dime!!! From: Song Chengxiang March 20, 2012 Dear friend, Have you ever wondered why most of the self improvement programs or books on the market and maybe some on your bookshelf never workb ... There are even some that work for a few *special ones*, but never work for youb Have you ever wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strived so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationship more harmonious, and to gain better health, but your just couldn't make that breakthroughb Is there seemingly always something that eludes you. You wonder why, but never find the answer! Let me make something crystal clear for you right now: It's NOT your fault! Here is why 99.9% of the popular books or programs on self improvement are only dealing with the symptoms of your life problems or frustrations, NOT the true causes. For example, if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial problems are not caused by your lack of money-making ideas, but by something deeper and more fundamental. If you have relationship problems, people will advise you to go to relationship experts who can give you tons of tips and strategies to improve your relationship. BUT you will find that the fulfilling loving relationship that you have dreamed of is still out of your reach. That's because your relationship problems are only symptoms, not the fundamental causes. If you want to FINALLY solve all your money, health, relationship problems and so on, you must Remove the ROOT CAUSE of all your life's problems and frustrations! When that happens, EVERYTHING CHANGES! Your financial situations start to change, you start attracting money and abundance into your life. Things that you've always wanted started to show up in your life effortlessly. You start to feel TRUE joy from your work and love doing what you do. You start to attract the right supportive relationships. Perfect health, financial wealth, love and happiness will be yours You feel peace with yourself and others. You feel good about yourself in every respect. You find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic. Then, you're asking What is the root cause of all your life problems and frustrationsb You will see it clearly in just a second. Let me show you some of the common frustrations that people have in their life. Just take a few minutes to consider the following statements, see if they sound familiar to you My biggest frustration in life is not having enough money to pay all my bills and have some leftover for fun, savings, investing and living the life of my dreams. I still haven't been able to attract economic abundance in my life, I'm still struggling. I have all of these good ideas that I could make money with, but when it comes time to do something with them, I freeze. I have no idea why. It is driving me crazy. I work far too many hours and am not able to enjoy life. I lost my job, unable to pay my bills, etc. Apparently I'm stuck in a job that I abhor. Even though I tried very hard to lose fat around my waistline, the results are not according to my expectations. I will lose weight but always gain it again. I would like to be in a wonderful, very happy romantic relationship but can't seem to find that. That I can't seem to attract the type of person I desire...young, sexy and totally into me. I'm so scattered and can not focus. I have too many details to attend to and not enough time. I have difficulty with following through projects that are important to me. I am overwhelmed with all the new, interesting information, practices and ideas. My aspirations for accomplishments in life were too big and somehow my lack of confidence in myself got in my way. I tried all I know to make my life better, but it does not seem to be working. If any of the above statements sounds like you, don't worry, you are not alone. These are what most people have been struggling with. But I can tell you that these are all just illusions that keep you unaware of your fundamental ROOT CAUSE. But most people don't realize that, so they spend all their time and effort trying to eliminate these symptoms, and they find in the end that more frustrating symptoms come up one after another. If you've got a headache that is caused by an old disease, you go to the doctor, and he/she gives you some drugs to cure the headache. Do you think the same headache will come up againb Definitely, because the fundamental cause of the headache remains unchanged... The same symptoms will come up again and again The same principle applies to all the above frustrations you just read. But people are making the same mistake again and again by going to a doctor for the headache instead of the root cause of their headache. They have been treating symptoms rather then the causes But before I tell you what that root cause is, Let's do a detailed analysis of our problems in life. Imagine the following scenario: Bob is a 52 year old man working on a job that he hates for many years with a minimum salary that barely makes ends meet. He always finds himself not having enough money to pay his monthly bills. He's divorced and has been living alone for the past 10 years, he wanted to have a loving and fulfilling relationship, but can't find one. He eats a lot because he has an emotional eating habit. He's been overweight for many years, he worked hard to lose weight but always gains it back. When he is working, he finds himself suffering from a lack of energy and can't focus on the things he wants to accomplish. Let's imagine what kind of problems the Bob has in his life. Bob's Problems 1 Being stuck in a job that he hates 2 Not having enough money to pay all his monthly bills 3 Lack of focus and mental discipline 4 Lack of energy 5 Loses weight but always gains it back 6 Emotional eating habit 7 Does not have a happy fulfilled love relationship These are just some typical problems that people find in their finance, relationships and health. As I said none of these problems are the real problem, they are simply the symptoms that are caused by something deeper. If you examine these symptoms deeply, you will notice that these they are not independent, They are ALWAYS connected by some kind of cause-effect relationship The figure below is a current reality tree (a thinking process developed by business genius Eliyahu M. Goldratt) which is used for graphically representing the current reality of a system, in our case, Bob's life. The arrows represent the cause and effect relationships. The current reality tree should be read from bottom up, and the lowest entry point is the root cause of all symptoms above ... Current Reality Tree of Bob's Life This is just an example. If you do the same analysis for your own life, you will inevitably come to the same conclusion that... The ROOT CAUSE of all life problems and frustrations is an INEDAQUATE SELF IMAGE (ISI). ISI is the feeling of inadequacy that you formed by the age of five or six years old. It is one of the first things formed in your life. It has a lasting effect on your failure or success. It plays a more important role than any other single factor. It's said that average people use less than 10% of their total potential. What do you think is limiting us from achieving our full potentialb It is the INEDAQUATE SELF IMAGE that we formed at an early age. Think about the mess you could make of even the simplest tasks assigned to you today with the self image of a six-year old. Our ISI is formed in the first few years of our life from the CONDITIONING we received from our parents and others around us. They give us a feeling of inadequacy that lasts for years. And... We are conditioned into believing that we are no good at certain kinds of activities. As long as we keep that ISI, we will NEVER reach our full potential, and NEVER create the life-long success that we have always wanted. HOWEVER, the good news is that your ISI can be changed. And when you change your inadequate self image to an adequate one, you change everything! Let's again take the example of Bob's life. What do you think his life will look like if he successfully changed his inadequate self imageb He will look like a completely new person! The figure below is a FUTURE-REALITY-TREE, representing the future reality of Bob's life after he has changed his self image. Read the future reality tree of Bob from bottom up, and see if the cause and effect relationships are sound to you. Most importantly, see what kind of life that Bob is living now. He's now making enough money to pay all his monthly bills, and live the lifestyle that he dreamed of. He's lost his weight and never gained it back. He's now in a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship. All these wonderful things come because he changed his inadequate self image. Future Reality Tree of Bob's Life Now you have seen how Bob's life completely changed after changing his inadequate self image. Imagine what your own life will look like after changing the inadequate self image to an adequate one. You can have the financial freedom and security to do whatever you want, when you want for yourself and your loved ones. You can have a loving circle of friends you trust and a fulfilling relationship based on love, trust, respect and dignity. You can find peace and stability in an ever changing world environment. You will be able to pay off all your debts, earn enough money to pay your bills and other expenses, have the lifestyle you enjoy, live in a nice home, travel anyplace you want not having to worry about money, help those less fortunate than yourself. You can have your own profitable and successful business, be your own boss, work when and where you want. You can make more money than you ever dreamed, be able to buy and do what you desire, and be free of money worries. You will be able to get to the inner place where you love yourself deeply, completely, unconditionally, and always nurture yourself no matter what. You will peel away the layers of self-hate, doubt, fear, shame, anger, and low self-worth that block you from truly tapping into, and staying tapped in to your true, real, core, wonderful amazing unique self. You will be able to free of stresses, look and feel healthy and vigorous, and have more energy and strength. You will have more time to spend with your loved ones, and more holidays, complete freedom. You can live each day to the fullest capacity, see the beauty in all things. You will attract to you the people and events necessary to make you succeed, and surround yourself with successful people and people who acknowledge you and respect you for your achievements. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Once you change the inadequate self image to an adequate one, the possibilities are endless. In fact... You're on your way to having everything in the world you want! Now that you're convinced that the root cause of your problems in life is your inadequate self image. Then the question you should ask is... How Can I Change My Self Image From Inadequate To Adequateb Well, I can tell you from own experiences that it is NOT easy using traditional methods of affirmations, meditations, visualizations etc, etc. Because it takes tremendous self-discipline! Most people lose faith and fall right back where they started at before they see any results. The good news is that the latest developments in brain and sound technologies have provided a faster and easier way for us, a way that takes almost no self discipline. Yes, you hear me right. The new way takes almost no conscious efforts, it's the fastest and easiest way to create changes in your life. It's a way to literally rewire your brain from the first time you use it, and all of this happens automatically. Let me introduce to you the fastest and easiest way to make positive and permanent changes in your life automatically... The Morry Method TM Brainwave Entrainment Technology Before I tell you about this breakthrough technology, let me introduce you the developer of this technology Morry Zelcovitch, the only credentialed brainwave entrainment engineer on the planet. Morry is internationally known because of his unique credentials: he's been personally mentored for years by David Siever, the world top researcher in the field of Brainwave Entrainment. He diligently studied under this master practitioner of brainwave entrainment, all because he was so frustrated with his own life he needed a change fast. Here is Morry's Story... As a child I had many problems ranging from thousands of voices in my head to severe depression. I also had a very big mouth, was always getting into trouble and almost unbelievably accident prone (I have dislocated/separated my shoulders alone over 150 times, I won't even get into the myriad of broken bones, shredded tendons and ligaments, concussions, etc.) As a matter of fact I remember thinking up the phrase life is but a disease, for which there is no cure but death. I often thought about how great it would be, to be... not here anymore, not anywhere anymore. Something inside me made me start looking into this field when I began to notice that sometimes time seemed to move faster and more pleasantly than other times. I eventually made the connection that when time seemed to move quicker, the sounds I was hearing were more, rhythmic in nature and when time seemed to painfully stand still, the surrounding sounds were far more disjointed in nature. All of this started me on a 15-year odyssey of research into the field of brain wave entrainment After many years of using other people's products with some limited success, I was determined to figure out why these recordings seemed to work but only in a minor way, with little effect, when all of the research I read suggested the effects should be more dominant than what I was experiencing. I decided that my best route to understanding might be by learning at the feet of an expert in the field. So I ended up contacting the world's foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment and learned invaluable information that could not be gotten anywhere else. I was trained and now I am one of the few in the world who actually can claim to be a Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer- and I have the education to back it up! Now I want to help others to be all they can be naturally. -- Morry Zelcovitch Now that you have heard Morry's story, then what is The Morry Methodb The Morry Method, personally engineered by Morry Zelcovitch, is a unique and advanced brainwave entrainment technology that uses a proprietary protocol developed for presenting various stimuli to the brain and mind. The end result of this method is much softer on the brain/body system and offers a more natural incorporation of the brain beats. What it does is to guide you into and maintain certain natural brain frequencies, create new neural pathways and change patterns of perception and information transfer in the brain, thereby creating new ways of experiencing yourself and your world... All you have to do is to sit back or lie down, and listen to the specially designed brainwave entrainment sound tracks. All changes will happen automatically! What is Brainwave Entrainmentb A¡A°EntrainmentA¡A± is a term borrowed from physics which simply means the tendency for two vibrating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. For example, one tuning fork when struck and placed next to another tuning fork will cause the second one to vibrate at the same frequency. What if this same phenomenon could be repeated in training the brain to lock into the vibrations of an outside stimulusb Many scientific studies have shown that this is in fact possible. For centuries people have been using outside rhythmic stimulus in the form of drumbeats, chants and singing to induce various feelings. When the brain is stimulated with pulsed sounds (neuro-electrical activity via the nerves originating from the ears), the overall activity of the brain will respond to and align with these pulses. By selecting the desired rate, the brain via the frequency following response (entrainment) can be naturally induced towards the selected brainwave state. The applications for this technology are unlimited. Stimulation in the theta range appears to be a beneficial approach to accelerated learning. Research also indicates that using BWE in the alpha brainwave range may result in benefits similarly found with Zen or Transcendental Meditation. These benefits extend throughout the body including improved breathing patterns and higher physical energy levels, not to mention an improved outlook, better performance in both sports and career, improved relationships and increased workplace satisfaction. Recently, many studies have shown that the use of guided imagery while in altered states of consciousness can be a very effective stimulant in psycho immunology, corporate performance and sports enhancement. One of the most valuable benefits of regular use of BWE is that we are able to experience and recognize the various states of consciousness. With practice we can learn how to re-create these states. With each pulsed tone, the brain produces an electrical response. The effects one experiences are the creations of the brains reaction to the A¡A°tonesA¡A±, what neurologists call the A¡A°cortical evoked responseA¡A± (the electrical response of the top most cortical layer of the brain). The brain is a mass of neurons, each taking part in storing, retrieving and transmitting electro-chemical impulses - information, colors, images, sounds, smells and tastes. Given the lives most of us lead, we are exposed to incredible amounts of information, daily. With BWE, different areas of the brain are stimulated, allowing for the awakening and subsequent release of various stored material. In a sense quietening the mind for clearer thought and process. Deep relaxation is another major benefit resulting from the brains cortical frequency following response. By selecting the desired rate, the brain via the frequency following response will tend to mimic the rate it is exposed to and thus enter that brainwave state. This helps to explain why this technology can produce benefits commonly found with meditation. Brainwave patterns Our brains produce A¡A°sweepingA¡A± electrical charges. These charges create rhythms known as brainwave patterns. You can see them with an electroencephalograph (EEG). EEGA¡A¯s record and measure large amounts of neurons firing in unison. Brainwave patterns are commonly grouped into four different categories: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Each of these brainwave patterns are associated with various states of mind. Beta waves are quick waves of 13 to 30 times per second (Hz). Beta brainwave patterns are generated naturally when we are awake and alert. Alpha waves exist between 8 and 12 Hz. Alpha waves usually occur during rest (e.g. when the eyes are closed), intellectual relaxation, deep relaxation, meditation or when quietening the mind. Alpha waves are the desired results of experienced meditators. Theta waves exist between 4 and 7 Hz. This is commonly referred to as the dream or A¡A°twilightA¡A± state. Theta is associated with learning, memory, REM sleep and dreaming. Memory development can be enhanced while in this state. When in a theta brainwave state, memory may be improved (especially long term memory), and access to unconscious material, reveries, free association, insights and creative ideas can increase. The delta brainwave pattern usually occurs when we are asleep. As we fall asleep the dominant natural brainwave includes delta. Delta waves are the slowest waves ranging from .5 to 3 Hz. All brainwave states serve important mental functions. With todayA¡A¯s lifestyle, returning to a peaceful, mind/body way of being is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve and maintain for any period of time. This causes disease in the mind/body, which is why it is paramount for us to A¡A°relearnA¡A± or A¡A°retrainA¡A± ourselves to get back to these healthful and rejuvenating states. Not Every Brainwave Entrainment Program Actually Works! You may of heard of terms like Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones etc., that are used in brainwave entrainment programs. You may also know that Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones are much more powerful and more effective than Binaural beats. But you may not know that Morry is the one who first used Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones in actual brainwave entrainment products, and he is the one who popularized these terminologies. First of all, let's see what are the differences in these tones. Exposed: Why Binaural Beats Wont Take You to the Top Many brainwave entrainment gurus today, tout the idea that all you need is some basic binaural beats, a little entrainment time and bam! Youre transformed into your dreams. Nothing could be further from the truth. Heres why: Notice the picture of the brainwave frequency above. Look at the arrow marks showing you the peaks and valleys of the brainwave image when being stimulated by a binaural beat. Do you see how shallow peaks and valleys are b Thats where the problem is. Its mainly the range of the peaks and valleys that determines how strong the CER (cortical evoked responsethe brains reaction to the stimulus and level of brainwave entrainment) will be. So what people are declaring as a breakthrough in brainwave entrainment is in fact just a brainwave placeboits nothing but a sugar pill! But there are proven brainwave entrainment stimuli and methods of application that, in fact do create the exact catalyst you need. Why Monaural Isochronic Tones Will Boost Your Brain PowerA¡A And Unlock The Vault Door Of Your Mind! Here are a couple of images of both tones: Take a look at the arrows nowon both the isochronic and monaural tones. See a differenceb Look at the depth of range between the peaks and the valleys. This range is exactly what you need to produce the necessary brainwaves to reach the summit in your life! A¡A¡ Since the first The Morry Method product was made available on the market. Many companies or individuals started using Isochronic Tones and Monaural Tones in their own brainwave entrainment recordings. And they think that is the only reason that makes The Morry Method stands out from all its competitors. That cannot be further from the truth! The Morry Method is Light Years Ahead of ANY Other Brainwave Entrainment Technology That may sound like a big claim, but it is not. Then what makes The Morry Method so advanced, and so much more powerful than others. It is because of a few reasons: First, The Morry Method is based on latest up to date and REAL science. Morry has been studying under and working with the world foremost researchers and scientists in this area for more than 20 years. He knows the ins and outs of this science, and the insider information that is not even published in the literature. He knows exactly what works and what does not. Most of the products in this market are based on outdated research, their effectiveness CANNOT compare with The Morry Method. What that means to you as a The Morry Method user is... The Morry Method allow for the release of very specific combinations of neurotransmitters, endorphins and hormones which create very specific results and benefits... only with real science are these possible. The Morry Method creates long lasting results. You will have the privilege of experiencing the latest cutting edge brain technology before any of your peers do...That means you look cool, doesn't itb J You'll be on the ground floor and take advantage of the latest scientific research results to change your life and get ahead of everyone else. Second, The Morry Method uses unique and more powerful Isochronic and monaural tones. These special brainwave entrainment tones are based on latest scientific research, and have UNIQUE features. They have more uniform wave shapes (the more uniform the shape of the sound wave, the more effective the stimulation) that enables 1. Deeper entrainment 2. Smoother transition between states of mind... alpha. theta, etc.... 3. More accurate reproduction of brain states and thus their associated production of needed hormones/neurotransmitters/endorphins... That means enormous benefits to you as an end user. Deeper entrainment will enable you to get into the REAL desired state and reproduce more neurochemicals in your brain. It is actually the chemicals that make you change and feel the results. Here is a list of the main neuro chemicals that The Morry Method has been shown to positively affect... Acetylcholine - has been related to learning, memory, sleep. Research has shown that Alzheimer patients tend to show a 90% reduction in acetylcholine. Norepinephrine - has been related to attention, focus and is very important to memory formation. Serotonin - has been related to a wide variety of issues including depression, suicide, aggression, alcoholism, sexual deviance, rage, compulsion, fearfulness and lack of self confidence. It regulates things like mood, sleep, and total food intake and pain sensitivity. Interestingly, women tend to produce less Serotonin, perhaps resulting in an increased susceptibility to depression and obesity. Dopamine - is naturally increased by things like drugs, alcohol, nicotine and cocaine. Endorphins - Aside from the pleasant feelings we get from endorphins they have also been shown to affect things like memory, learning and reaction time. Here is a list of the main hormones that can be positively affected by The Morry Method... Cortisol - responsible for weight gain and immune system inhibition. DHEA - acts as a buffer against stress. We naturally produce less as we age. Melatonin - important for healthful sleep. We naturally produce less as we age. The Morry Method brainwave entrainment tones enable a smoother transition between mind states. The matter of fact is., the easier the transition, the easier it is to entrain into the mind state, the easier it is to entrain, the more effective the entrainment will be. It also makes the experience more pleasant which has 2 benefits... 1. If entrainment is pleasurable then it is more likely to be a deep and effective experience. 2. It will make it more likely that you will continue to use it and thus make it even more effective both in the short and more importantly, long term. Comfort plays a large role in how effective brainwave entrainment can be... The Morry Method systems are designed with this in mind. The Morry Method brainwave entrainment tones enable more accurate reproduction of brain states. You need at least 6 full minutes at any desired frequency to allow the brain to entrain to it (This is called the frequency following response). Any unwanted sounds that occur during presentation of the main tone actually get in the way of the entrainment process. Accuracy of the wave form makes all the difference as when the form or shape of the waveform is not the same as the wave that preceded it, then the brain will think that it is different, if it thinks its different then the quality of the entrainment and thus the results will be adversely affected. Most of the entrainment products out there can sound pretty much the same to your conscious ear, don't be fooled though... your brain, actually your neurons can easily tell the difference and this is why you get such poor results from other products... the real test here is long lasting effects.... the real test here is the ability to use the system in a year and still get results like you did earlier on.... YOUR BRAIN KNOWS.... The third reason that makes The Morry Method light years ahead is that it offers different versions of brainwave entrainment tones. That means, for one recording, you will get different versions which have different stimulation patterns and tones. Simply put, it gives you the chance to choose what you need based on the mood you are actually in at the time you are listening. If you like a tone series it will naturally work better for you... everybody else has a one size fits all philosophy... this is not a good or effective way to be. This gives you variety when using the recordings, this allows for less chance of getting bored with a recording and allows for the likelihood that people will actually use it regularly... which is of course necessary for it to have maximum effects. You can choose your favorite tone and stimulation pattern, and attain the best effectiveness. The different tonal values allows for subtle differences in brain stimulation, making the mind more elastic if you will and the development more effective. Choice allows for you to be more comfortable, initially... which helps to increase your confidence in the technology and furthers the deepening of the effects... Last but not least, the fourth reason that makes The Morry Method ahead of any other brainwave technology is the dual brainwave nature of The Morry Method recordings. Let me put it in simple terms. In regular BWE you are presented with a series of tones that are intended to entrain your brains cells (neurons) into a natural but infrequent state, depending upon the frequency chosen. What is not so well known though is that the brain not only needs to work in unison for efficiency and effectiveness (also known as Whole Brain Thinking), but it also needs to be able to operate in different states at the same time! You may not know this, but we all actually have 2 brains. The right and left hemisphere are not actually joined together except at the top of the spine, by teaching the hemispheres' to work independently in such a manner, we actually increase its abilities by many times over the more traditional whole brain scenario... Many activities require this in order for peak efficiency and benefit to occur... The Morry Method dual brainwave entrainment recording will quiet the voices of stagnation that stop creativity and confidence and then prepare your mind and brain for the ultimate turn around... one which allows for supreme self esteem to be born. The above are some of the reasons that make The Morry MethodA¡A± the most advanced and effective brainwave entrainment technology. But don't take my word for it, Now, let's go to the laboratory to... See the REAL Change In Your Brain What you are about to see below are images showing dominant brainwaves using a 14 channel EEG device while listening to a A¡A°The Morry MethodA¡A± recordingA¡A The following images depict a time line of the surface of the brains response to the presented audio frequencies. The A¡A°redderA¡A± the dots get (the dots represent the position of the electrodes on the head) the more Theta (in this case) is exhibited. Please take note that this (and most) TMM brainwave recordings start in Beta, go to the desired frequency (Theta in this case) and then ramp back up to Beta again. A¡A¡ 3 minutes into the session (ramping down to Theta from Beta) 6 minutes into the session (Theta has been steadily presented for only 1 minute to this point) 9 minutes into the session (Theta has been steadily presented for approximately 4 minutes) A¡A¡ 15 minutes into the session (Theta has been steadily presented for 10 minutes) 20 minutes into the session (Theta has been steadily presented for 15 minutes)A¡A¡ 25 minutes into the session (ramping back to beta)A¡A¡ A¡A¡ A¡A¡ A¡A¡ 30 minutes into the session (Beta is now the dominant audio frequency) and the session has ended A¡A¡ A¡A¡ See Life-Changing Stories From Users of The Morry Method Products Side note: The Quantum Mind Power or QMP mentioned in the testimonials is the first system developed using The Morry Method brainwave entrainment technology. In One Month Time, I Just Didn't Have the Need To Smoke. It was Amazing A¡A¡ A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ I Find Myself Being Much More In The Now, More Focused, Having More Engery and Motivation A¡A¡ A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ It Helps To Calm Me Down, I Started See Things Clearer, Intuition Got Stronger A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ Finally I Got The Job I Wanted A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ I Consider Morry's Recordings Be Not A Cost, But An Investment In Myself A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ One of The BEST Products I Ever Used A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ My Confidence Level Has Got A Lot Higher A¡A¡ A¡A¡A¡A¡ A¡A¡ For The First Time... My Ability To Concentrate and Focus on Things Had An Amazing Jump Out of Nowhere I have been listening to QMP now for over two months, for almost a month and half I was trying different time rate of listening, I was experimenting with the recordings so that I could experience something new. I was not sure I was really benefiting from the listening, yes it was much deeper than any brain entrainment program I have tested, I wasn't sure if I would get any results.... ...Just this week for the first time my ability to concentrate and focus on things had an amazing jump out of nowhere. With this experience I had a pleasurable 'feeling' which I have never experienced before, I can honestly say the 'jump' was more than 300 percent. Now this ability was not a one off, I have managed to experience this at random. My creative ability has had a major leap, I am working towards an album for the end of 2007, there is an avalanche of ideas just keep coming, and these ideas are nicely fitting in my plan. Also my painting has taken another creative boost, I have almost completed a very large canvas which I couldn't finish 8 months ago, within few days I was inspired to give it a magical touch, the magic touch turned out to be a series of magical brush strokes which have helped me to continue painting. Asgar Khan UK I Instantly Feel a Positive Energy In My Body WOW! I am very excited and I don't have words to express my feelings. Quantum Mind Power is exactly what I have been looking for. I was a little bit depressed because I achieved only 60% of my June month goal till 28th. Even I couldn't concentrate on my work because of it. I used Eden Energy Wave Dynamics Isochronic 6 for two days (29th and 30th) and I instantly feel a positive energy in my body. In just 2 days I become more energetic, joyful and you'll surprise to know I achieve my goal for June month too. Truly Amazing. Raamakant S. | | I Was Out Like a Light Bulb I have had sleep problems since I was 17, and I have never been able to fall asleep immediately, and if and only if I do sleep, I still never get the rest I wanted. After listening to your program for the second time, I was out like a light bulb, as if almost by command. Also as a side note, I let my youngest son listen to your program, during his examinations and low and behold, he got his first A, EVER. He was always the grade average of C+! Just incase you wondering he is in grade 12 so you can imagine the effect this program has had on him. Regards and go well, Kaashif Karriem These recordings are invaluable for doing my dreamwork and assist in achieving lucidity I have been using the product for a few months now, not even as suggested (mainly NS and EEW). I find that these recordings are invaluable for doing my dreamwork and assist in achieving lucidity. Furthermore, the content of my dreams seems to be much more focused on my evolution when I listen to these tracks, especially before sleep. Also, any affirmations made before the use of them along with affirmations after listening are much more powerful. They seem to have much more emotional energy. Basically, I feel on top of things mentally, emotionally and spiritually with the use of these sonic tools. Thanks Morry!!!! Daniel Silvan , Toronto It's like my sub-coconscious mind had just opened up and is delivering important messages and answers to me I love researching new technology, reading about the mind, body and spirit, how everything connects. I love learning and I have spent thousands on courses and programs. I don't often give testimonials - UNLESS the product is outstanding and I must let you know I have found this program amazing!! I have had so many different unexpected results. New awareness's keep coming to me, it's like my sub-coconscious mind had just opened up and is delivering important messages and answers to me. I seem to see things far more clearly. I find I have significantly more energy in healing work. My skin seems noticeably clearer and my mind less foggy. Even though I am fundamentally a happy person, I feel I have a lighter, brighter disposition now. I think those two word describe my feeling the best, lighter and brighter. I am under more stress than usual so I can only attribute these changes to the program. I can feel it. Seriously I am finding this amazing and exciting! Andrea Irwin My business is in place and life has never been better Recently I sat down with a friend of mine, and our conversation was just on general things we are doing in our particular lives. Soon it was quite evident to me, that our interests, and financial goals were very similar. Then it happened, flash after flash, and inspiration after inspiration. Before too long I had come up with a business name, objectives and a solid business plan. No matter what problems my friend put to me, I had the solutions, they just kept on flowing one by one. It wasn't until some time after I realized the brilliance had come from the use of Quantum Mind Power, which I had only starting using a week or so prior. Now the business is in place and life has never been better. All credit surely must go to Morry and his Quantum Mind Power program. Thank you Morry, we are in your debt. Rob Douglas Wealth Prosperity, Finally Soon after starting with neural synergy, I found a nice money spell online. Something very easy and so I started with that. This gave me immense happiness and led me further to the prosperity game ( which I had never heard of before). I then started playing this game (still do so each day). I then attracted money to the tune of $2250 (converted to my currency it is a big amount) within a 3-4 days. CHEERS to MORRY. Best wishes, Shri My Productivity Has Tripled I've all sorts of problems, ADD, OCD, and Chronic Fatigue, but this cd is helping me loads. I notice that whenever I'm down and do a session with Eden then boom I'm back in a more upbeat mood, or even in a TOTALLY different place. And it also reduces the awful mind nonsense I have to deal with, having ADD and OCD symptoms. I'm also getting WAY more done during the day, my productivity is easily TRIPLED. Choda I was little skeptical I had spent lot of money on self improvement courses, but none of them worked because initial euphoria we may fell-good but it goes off with doming time. When I bought QMP I was little skeptical you know guys it really works. I really don't know how every thing got transformed in my life. I'm able to find new person in me; I don't get angry or fear for any thing. My mind is with full of bless. I'm working creatively and for long hours. I feel my mind has become thin and it doesn't have any role to play and I'm in control. I have moved from domain of doing to being. My life has changed. I really thank Morry and his work. He has given new realm of awareness it is in our intelligence to use for better tomorrow. Venkatesh, India I have been able to reduce the amount of medication required three different times I am 62 years young and up until 25 years ago have lived a hard life of alcoholism and drug addiction that resulted in medical ailments such as a shrinking kidney and hypertension, to name just two. I have been taking medication for a tachycardic arrythmia and my hpertension. The medications slow me down and produce a very low energy level and a lowered mood resulting in dysthymia. As a result I have had a daily struggle balancing my medications, productivity, energy levels, mood levels, blood pressure and heart rate. Since using Quantum Mind Power I have seen my blood pressure reading continually drop to the degree that I have been able to reduce the amount of medication required three different times (of course in coordination with my family physician's direction). I would not believe it if I did not experience this myself. But as a result of QMP I now work longer and more productively, enjoy life more, and have fewer side effects from meds. My physician is considering taking me off the anti-depressant that was being used to counteract the antihypertensive's side effects. With little medication my BP readings are well into low-normal ranges and I feel better in every way than I have for about 22 years. I have also experienced no tachycardic attacks. I know this is long but I did want to convey this message to you and others. Maybe these are not typical results. Maybe they areb An anecdotal story of one does not make for good data but I wanted to offer hope to others. Thanks for your products and for the continued support that is available. Ken Dickinson, Nottingham, Pa A¡A¡ I truly think that medical authorities should wake up to this form of treatment We have a son of 24 years of age, who only has a mental age of a 7 year old. This is the way he has been since birth. We have been to the top experts in this disorder, have had numerous brain scans done but all they told us it's a genetic disorder. That's the way it will be for him till I bumped onto your system and thought I give it a try for my son. The cost of your program was naught to thousands we had given to the experts. I just want to say after just 3 days that my son listened to the Eden Energy Wave Dynamics, he said to me dad can you help me read this book that he was holding in hand, this just brought tears to me and my wife eyes. So much so he has completely transformed, in the manner he is more happy, cooperative, and can keep up with conversations with his brothers also we note he has started to make decisions. None of this he could ever do before. I don't know what mysteries your system contains but it works!! Please keep up this good work and I truly think that medical authorities should wake up to this form of treatment, for people like my son. Once again Thank You! And God Bless. Thanks, M Butt London UK I've gotten back 80% of what I lost I have been using Quantum Mind Power recordings for about a month now. What I notice most is that my memory has so improved. I have gone through menopause and with it my memory really suffered. It made me uncomfortable. My vocabulary seemed to be out of reach for at least the last six years. I would go to say something and couldn't access the right word. Well that's close to non-existent now. What a difference using this program has made. I'd say I've gotten back 80% of what I lost and I fully expect to get back the rest and honestly to far exceed what I had in the first place. This program is a must for people as they start to age. I can't recommend it enough. Shirley Carrick A¡A¡ The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous Hello Morry, My name is Mark and I purchased your program [Order #6R1JX8WB] several months ago. I honestly cant even begin to tell you the changes it has made in my life. Due to the constant stresses of my finances, work and the world in general, I found myself in a constant state of mild depression over the last couple of years. I have used meditation as an antidepressant for years and believe that is what helped me keep my depression from advancing to anything more serious. As of late I had been finding it difficult to calm my mind and enter an Alpha state. As a result of not being able to meditate effectively I felt the depression become more severe and I could also feel what was almost like a thick brain fog setting in. My short term memory seemed almost non existent. I had to write everything down on paper to help me remember important things. Every decision I made seemed like the worst one ever. I started to lose interest in work and even fun activities like golf which I love. I had to force myself to do the minimum to just get by. If I needed to read something important, I had to read it over and over again to understand it. I was afraid that if I did not do something soon that I would loose what little control I had left and that the depression would totally take over. I started doing some research on the net and came across brain entrainment technology. It sounded like it could help and with a lot less effort than meditation. There were many programs to choose from and I was not sure which program I wanted to use. While researching my options I found your sample recording. I down loaded it into my MP3 and set it to play continuously. I began listening to it that day and probably listened to it 12 times. I woke up the next morning, put on my MP3 player and went about my day. At about 9 AM in my home office I made a to do list (which I never do) of about 12 items that I needed to take care of , and I also read and returned about 30 emails. After what I thought was about an hour I looked up from my laptop and realized it was 1 PM and I only had 2 items left on my to do list. I sat back in my chair stunned and realized that I worked 4 continuous hours. Not only that, but I did more work in those for 4 hours than I normally did in three work days in the depressed state of mind I was in. At that moment I went to your site and ordered the Quantum Mind Power system. Once it was down loaded I added it as a play list on my MP3 player. The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous. My depression and brain fog are gone. My reading speed and comprehension have at least tripled. I love reading while listening to Neural Synergy. My memory is back and Its sharper than It has ever been. My perception of people and the world around me has expanded in ways I really cant explain. It sounds really corny, but I feel like Im looking at the world with a new set of eyes. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it is all 100 present true. Morry, thank you so much for creating QMP and you for making it affordable. Mark RitaA¡A¡ If you're still skeptical about the effectiveness of this powerful new technology, let me show you this.. A Brazilian Government Funded Research On The Morry Method A little backgroundA¡A Morry was contacted by a representative of the Brazilian government some time ago in 2009 as they came across one of the The Morry Method (TMM) websites. Apparently he tried the TMM system and saw almost immediately the potential of this technology to not only help people in his department, but by helping them also help the citizens of Brazil whom they so diligently serve. A series of telephone calls via interpreter and emails ensued and the end result is an independently funded research project on the The Morry Method Brainwave Entrainment Recording Systems at the behest of the Brazilian government at the prestigious Mato Grosso State University. What follows are some of the important findings from their research conducted on police studentsA¡A a total of 95.23% increased their attention and a total of 66.66% of those besides improving their attention it increased the quality of their attention. A¡A¡ an increase of the variable productivity of 90.47% of participants It is very noticeable though the percentage of 61.90% of those who maintained a productivity line similar to the initial lines which represents an enormous advancement, since the students had finished two weekends of intense work and still maintained the rhythm of their academic activities, among other tasks. The logic would be just the opposite, in other words, after an intense work load, and for not doing their usual Academic routines, they should have been exhausted; meanwhile, the numbers show that more than half of the group managed to control these rates and around 30% (thirty) increased. A¡A¡ The variables of aggressiveness and anxiety did not suffer significant alterations, which represent a considerable gain, because the students worked two weekends policing the capital and were still attentive to their academic activities. A¡A¡ it was clearly understood that the students of this research, and with the listening of the TMM System sounds, managed to increase their concentrated attention, resistance to fatigue and productivity. This is impressing since the variables anxiety and aggressiveness remained without significant alterations even during daily routine interruptions. Instead, it represented a gain because it is similar to have a police officer work exhaustively and, due to the present technology, maintain the same balance before conducting his work. Now you have seen the power of A¡A°The Morry MethodA¡A± technology, let me introduce you... A New Breakthrough The Morry Method System Quantum Confidence With The Morry Method Personally Engineered By Morry Zelcovitch For Eliminating The Root Cause of All Your Life's Problems And Allowing You Access To Supreme Self Confidence 10 CDs in 4 Components Component #1: Quantum Confidence and Self Esteem with TMM (6 CDs Total Value $597) It is a dual brainwave recording (A different and distinct brainwave pattern targeting each hemisphere of the brain separately). Included in this set are 3 CD's in the Monaural waveform format, and 3 in the Isochronic waveform format. The CD's are labeled 1,2 and 3 for both stimulation types with each CD having a different pitch so that you can pick the one that's right for you, every time you listen! It is specifically designed to pump up your sense of self esteem, while at the same time increasing your personal confidence levels by making you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your own skin. This will allow you to develop healthy new feelings and improve old feelings about yourself. It can also act as an overall brain exercise that can contribute to your brains re-organization to a higher level of functioning. With regular use of this recording, the changes you experience may pleasantly surprise you. This recording may also be used anytime when you feel stuck or for a quick pick me up. Component #2: Quantum Confidence/Self Esteem Meditation with TMM (1 CD Total Value $147) This recording is designed as a self esteem and confidence building meditation. Strong self esteem and confidence in oneself is a major component needed to unlock your ability to be happy, successful and content. When combined with a subtle, yet powerful brainwave entrainment rhythm, the possibilities become endless and allow this recording to be an integral part of the brain re-training process. This recording is designed to help you to actually think better and in a more healthful manner, more positively in fact so as to help you to manifest a new view of the world, a positive view that will lead you to joy and abundance. How we look at things and interpret their meaning can be everything and amazing changes can occur when we change how we look at life. Component #3: Quantum Confidence and Self Esteem Triliminal (1 CD Total Value $197) Introducing a brand new technology, never before seen anywhere and exclusive to TMM... Quantum Triliminals When we program ourselves everyday of our lives, we do so by affirming things over and over again... How can I pay these billsbbb How can I pay these billsbbb How can I pay these billsbbb Why can't I meet someone to really lovebbb Why can't I meet someone to really lovebbb Why can't I meet someone to really lovebbb Among countless others... It is understood that this type of programming works, after all, just look at your life circumstances now and you will see what I mean. With Quantum Triliminals the end of this negative programming is in sight as we take this method of training/learning, a method that up until now has been used to tear us down and use it for good instead... After all, energy is neither good or bad... In the end, it's how we use it that makes it what it is, and your thoughts are energy. It is the time now to convert it to a positive purpose, and that's exactly what the new technology of Quantum Triliminals can help you with. Here is how it works... You hear 3 sets of specially designed affirmations, All at the same time!!! In the left ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance by the right hemisphere of your brain. This is the creative side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more easily by being designed with that in mind. In the right ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance by the left hemisphere of your brain. This is the analytic side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more easily by being designed with a logical flare. At the same time as you hear the hemispherically specific (right and left brain) affirmations, you will also hear affirmations that are not hemispherically specific in nature as well. These are presented to both ears. Thus, you end up hearing 3 sets of very specifically designed affirmations that when heard as they are, (at the same time) acts to cause the mind to literally reorganize itself to a higher level as it attempts to follow/understand the presented sets of affirmations. The end result is that the positive messages get by any and all resistance and get heard directly by the sub conscious where they can do the most good. Component #4: Quantum Confidence (TMM) Subliminal Self Esteem Support #1 and #2 (2 CDs Total Value $197 ) Self-esteem encompasses beliefs, emotions and behavior. Self-esteem can be the value we place on ourselves and how we interpret what others think of us. It can encompass all of the feelings that we have about all the things we see and feel ourselves to actually be. It's knowing that we are liked, loved, respected. It's also knowing that we are useful, able and unique. Good self-esteem means that we have a healthy view of ourselves and a positive outlook. This recording helps to instill this knowledge and feelings of confidence and self esteem into your fertile subconscious mind. Put to a beautiful soundtrack of A coastal retreat with other subtle nature sounds (#1), A crackling fire and rain with other subtle nature sounds (#2), these recordings will help to act as a guide for your brainwave entrainment training and should be played in the background every day when cleaning, cooking, working at the office, even while your watching TV. A¡A¡ FREE BONUS #1 Good Night, Sleep Well... (A $97 Value) This is a classic The Morry Method recording that receives the most positive feedback. This recording is designed to help bring on sleep by quieting the mental noise that can adversely affect your quality of sleep. Think calming thoughts, or nothing, while you drift off listening to these specially designed tones that lead you gently into a healthful and restful sleep state. This recording actually guides you into your sleep cycle, helping to give you a head start on a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep. Special Note: This recording is a downloadable mp3. A¡A¡ FREE BONUS #2 Schumann Resonance Meditation... (A $97 Value) 7.83hz. is the Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel through the earth's ionosphere. ItsA¡A¯ been given credit for stimulating the release of growth and sex hormones (N. Shealy). More spiritual and psychic experiences have been reported using this frequency than any other. This is another classic The Morry Method recording. Special Note: This recording is a downloadable mp3. A¡A¡ FREE BONUS #3 The Connection--A New 40 min 'The Morry Method' Brainwave Entrainment Recording (A $197 Value ) The Connection recording will help you move your mind beyond knowledge to knowing, and show you visions of what and where growth is needed. It can help you to communicate with your higher self and thus gain a greater understanding of yourself. This state is more common in extroverts with low traits of neurosis anxiety. The Connection can benefit you in many and varied ways, such as by... revitalizing you connecting you to your spirituality helping you to become more intuitive regulating your emotions and more... Special Note:This recording is a downloadable mp3. A¡A¡ FREE BONUS #4 Recording of Quantum Confidence Q A Teleseminar with Morry (A $97 Value) Do you want to know how to get the maximum benefits form the Quantum Confidence with The Morry Method system and other The Morry Method recordingsb If you have a question, it is already been answered in this teleseminar recording. This is a teleseminar the Morry did some time ago with a small group of early Quantum Confidence users. This was a great call. The audience really knew what to ask, they have asked almost everything you can think about related to the use of this amazing system. If you want to get more out of your Quantum Confidence purchase, you must listen to this call. Special Note: You get this recording as downloadable mp3. A¡A¡ See PROOFS... See Real Life Stories from our Customer Support Forums Forum Post NO.1 benefits of confidence triliminals by saintliness Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:12 pm Hi there morry. thanks for the encouraging words even though i bothered you a lot telephonically. Just to say that i used the confidence triliminals for one week now and i feel great inner strength and peace.For a guy who was weak this product was great. I am more relaxed and confident. Thank you very much morry A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.2 Quantum Confidence by yoni Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:42 pm I want to thank Morry for creating such amazing tracks in Quantum Confidence. I would like to share some of my experiences on the following tracks, quantum confidence meditation, triliminals , the connection and schuman ressonnance. Quantum Confidence Meditation: I used to meditate regularly before listening to QMP and QC. It would take me some time to get into a relaxed and peaceful state. With QCM i get into deep states in which are incomparable to what I used to get before. I get numb, I feel light and sometimes I feel like Im floating. Also, it gets to a part where I feel complete bliss, just happy for about 5 minutes. It makes me feel more content throughout the whole day and it can really change your whole mood around. Triliminals: These recordings work in very mysterious ways, I often find that when I listen to these recordings usually things just come my way. Weather I bump into a person who serves a meaningful purpose in my life or I get some sort of income from places or people I never expected it to come from and it helps me feel more confident due to the repetitive voices which I feel are being engraved directly to my brain and because I know if I stick at it something is bound to come my way. I listen to these recordings daily either in the morning or before I go to sleep, sometimes both. Just recently I kept meeting and bumping into different women who were really interested in me, maybe I havent noticed it before, but now its clear with all of the compliments I have been receiving lately. The Connection (Bonus): It does just that it connects me to my inner self when I am just lost and I cannot make decisions. I listen to the connection and it makes my day more clear and meaningful, it sort of puts the missing pieces to the puzzle and completes it, it gives me a direction and its almost instantaneous at times- I sometimes understand things more clearly during the session. I had problems at work which I did not really know how to go about in solving , overtime it put things into a better perspective and I approached the matter where both I and the company benefited. Schumman Resonance (Bonus): This recording can scare the crap out of me at times! there are days where I feel everything is like a deja vu, while listening to this track I sometimes wonder or have certain visual events appearing in my mind. At times I re-live that moment sometime during the day or the next day and I ask myself, where did I hear this conversation from b and then I remember it was from a dream of some sort or I just sort of get a gut feeling of certain vents that will take place before it happen and I assure you I am no psychic , its happened to me at least 4 times within the just last month. I find that this recording is essential to building my intuition which is probably one of the most crucial and important points I learned from using QMP and QC and , always listen to yourself! Your gut feeling is right and this I think is the reason why I have been getting the results that I have been getting till now, because I always listen to what I feel like while following the basic required guidelines in the manual. I have been using Quantum Mind Power for well over a year now and I have also Been using Quantum Confidence from the moment it was available for purchase. In a nut shell Quantum Confidence has helped in many ways and continues to do so, I receive a lot of compliments about myself and overall my life has become just a lot more interesting! A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.3 QC - subtle and effective, my resistance has vanished by pure_bliss Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:09 pm I want to report the huge, but extremely subtle change in my behavior I have experienced since listening to Quantum Confidence on a - fairly - regular basis since October last. In fact the change has been so profound and consistent that it has taken me months to realise that the change is permanent rather than some brief blip in behavior. For many years I have been impatient and closed-minded about technology. When I have to, I learn the necessary steps (e.g. how to use editing software when I was involved in film-making) but Im negative, easily flustered, and dont really give it my all. I put most of my energy into moaning and proving to those who wanted to help me that the technology is far from intuitive, and actually some male-oriented torture trap. My special trick was to addle our three remote controls so I couldnt watch television, or even play a DVD. Maddening - and I was always right: it never worked for me. Nor would I take the time to understand why. I bought Quantum Confidence to support me through a time of great change - new job, new country, new language, loads of extra responsibilities. It just seemed like a nice gesture to ease my path. Instead, my mother came to live with us and has become such a burden in a few short months (just six) that I can no longer work outside the home. An extremely painful reality check. Ever resourceful, I decided to make my bid for financial freedom through online marketing. After all, who doesnt like the idea of making millions even when one is in bed and asleepb While the money-spinning aspect appealed to me, the grappling with insane computer technology - HTML and all that garbage - certainly held NO APPEAL! Here is the weird thing. I have been working away at two online Internet Marketing courses since mid-November. And I dont have ANY REACTION to the technology challenges. Nothing at all. Zero. Zilch. Just total peace, quiet and the ability to concentrate and stick at it until it works. The contrast is incredible. Before I found a complex remote control just so boring and uninspiring that I couldnt spend two minutes learning how to use it. I just couldnt. Now, in the past two months I have used Google Analytics, WordPressDirect, Hostgator, Market Samurai, Adwords, ClickBank, Facebook, Twitter etc. etc. and not felt one, single twinge of impatience, regret, anger, anti-male rhetoric...... all I experience is a goal-orientatedness. Now when I go on the forums I have to smile when I see all the other co-learners getting frustrated, thinking they cant do it, doubting themselves and the quality of the course. In fact it was seeing others acting out, just like I used to, that drew my attention to my total sea-change with regard to resisting technology. I certainly didnt buy QC to deal with my technology aversion - after all I could justify why I wasnt willing to go down that torture route! But my total peace, my sense of genuine interest and inquiry, my preparedness to get the next task done..... look, guys, this simply isnt me. Or if it is, it is certainly an aspect of me that I have never encountered before. It makes my excursion into Internet Marketing so rewarding. No battles. No griping. No thoughts, neither negative thoughts nor positive ones. Just silence as if my inner voices have disappeared, leaving me to progress at my own pace and feel mightily motivated. Instead, now I encourage and calm and reason with others on the forum. And to put the icing on the cake, I was contacted by one of the best-in-the-land Internet Marketing gurus and he has offered to mentor me - just me and him! So now I can email him at his home, get my questions answered one-to-one, and Im making even more progress. My son cannot get his head around it. I can now tell him things he has never even heard of - and he is a technology nut. This is definite proof of how totally different my perceptions about technology are and my open, interested attitude plus my TOTAL INNER CALM when dealing with inanimate technology. This is just incredible. Not what I expected, but sooooooo welcome nonetheless! I cannot wait to see what other unexpected benefits will materialise next - and Im using QC regularly now! A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.4 panic/confidence by janet Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:33 am Day before yesterday I got a chance to see how powerful MorryA¡A¯s CDs are! I could not find my wallet. A few months ago this would have sent me into panic. This time I felt the usual concern, but I was calm. I called to have my card cancelled. Then I tried to mentally re trace my steps the day before when I used it. I stayed focused, but I could only come up with the last time I had it. I drove to my Storage Unit to see if it was there. I was calmly concerned. When I got there, it was not there. I opened my trunk to show my friend where I thought it should be, Suddenly I remembered that I had put it in my computer bag instead of my purse which was inside the car! ~This was a long story to show how sustained I was able to feel calm in the A¡A°eye of the storm!A¡A± ~~Thank you Morry! I feel that my daily listening to the Confidence download really made a difference in my confidence and my feeling of well being even in a possibly stressful situation. (I daily listen to your other CDs too.) It will be interesting to see what comes up after listening to the whole new Confidence CD! Janet Re: panic/confidence by LindaJC Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:01 am For the past 3 days Ive listened to connections and sleep well (Editors note: Both are bonuses for Quantum Confidence system) and the one for organization (an Triliminal Recording) ... and wow. I would find this difficult to believe had I not experienced it for myself. Ive noticed several improvements but Ill write about just one for sake of brevity. This morning my computer stopped working. In the past this situation was very upsetting and extremely confusing. I would become so very anxious that I couldnt think straight. The anxiety level was so high that I felt like someone was attacking me ... which of course, was totally not the situation. Just my perception. But today was a totally new experience mentally and emotionally. No anxiety. Just clear, focused, methodical use of knowledge that Id always had but couldnt seem to use before! Today I did the troubleshooting myself and determined it must go to the computer repair shop. Heres the remarkable part ... I calmly and c.l.e.a.r.l.y described to the technician the problem and the troubleshooting I had done. *i had taken excellent notes when troubleshooting, another first!* The technician said, sounds like you did everything right, so its probably hardware. We even joked about it and a couple other mundane things. Computer was easily and quickly fixed. NEVER before have I been relaxed, confident and e.f.f.e.c.t.i.v.e. with computer problems. It seems that although I had the knowledge before, my anxiety kept me from using it well. In general, also noticed that my energy level and focus are nicely improved. This means very much to me. I hope it is a direct result of the entrainment because that means Ive found a very very useful tool , which gives me a lot of hope! Thank you so much for this remarkable tool, Morry. A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.5 Thank you Morry by Albert OConnell Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:29 pm I have been using both Quantum Mind Power , and Quantum Confidence for over three months now and to say that I am more than satisfied would be an understatement. I am a licensed clinical social worker, credentialed addictions specialist and certified hypnotist and I am now recommending these programs to all my clients. From the very first CD, I realize that you have taken brainwave entrainment to a level, which is different in kind rather than degree compared to anything else out on the market today. One of the things I like best about your programs is how they lend themselves to flexibility and customization for the listener. It seems that everyone is jumping on the Universal Law of Attraction bandwagon these days, and producing programs, which lack not only quality of content but a basic grasp of how to tap into that Universal Law. Your program puts the Action into that Law in such a way that true manifestation occurs by simply following the protocols that you have outlined. It is obviously youve done your homework in this emerging field of brainwave entrainment, as evidenced by the results that I myself have experienced and can validate. I strongly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about self-improvement, irrespective of their level of knowledge in this area. Once again thank you Morry for making these programs available. Sincerely, Albert R. OConnell III, LCSW, CASAC, CHT A¡A¡ A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.6 AWESOME IS THE EXPERIENCE!!! by jc4sure Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:38 am I am a recovering drunk and junkie of some 22 years! I have been on a Spiritual journey this whole time looking for more peace, serenity, and oneness with God! I have read hundreds of books, even more programs, and in addition to those many tools used by many people!!! I had heard many good things about Morrys work from the net, and so early this summer, I decided to call him to ask about hims work!! At the time, my wife had divorced me and taken our 5 children away some 300 miles, just lost my job, and our home was in bankruptcy! after maybe 2-3 hours of Morrys answering my questions, and talking to me like my best friend with many words of encouragement, I got his program and begin to use it daily!!! That was some 4.5 months ago, and I am still alive and growing spiritually at an accelerated rate as the result of primarily using Morrys programs!!!! His work is nothing less than awesome, and clearly works better than most or all programs that I have had the privilege to us and be a part of!!! Why does it work so wellb Primarily for 2 reasons! The first reason is because Morrys work gets to the heart of our problems ourselves and our self esteem!!! The second reason is because Morry is a highly spiritual man, whose primary intention is to love and help others!!! Thanks, Morry, both your work and yourself are awesome!!!! Keep up the good work and May God continue to bless you!!!! Jeff C. A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.7 A terrific person resides behind an excellent product by pure_bliss Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:54 pm I bought Quantum Confidence (QC) because I have had positive experiences with BrainWave Entrainment (BWE) in the past and I sought a BWE product specifically engineered to help boost my self-esteem at a time of exciting change and steep challenge in my life. But the one thing we can expect of life is that it delivers the unexpected! Instead of requiring soaring self-esteem levels, I suddenly found I needed BWE tools to help me cope with grief, frustration, anger, stress and resistance as I struggled to come to terms with a parent who went into rapid mental and physical decline and I became the primary carer. Thus, while the QC tracks have been temporarily shelved, I have relished the other self-help tracks that are delivered with the QC package. Digital Coffee and Alpha Flight as a pick-me-up when the going was tough, The Connection and Schumann Resonance when things got on top of me and emotions spilled over, Koi Carp Meditation when a session with my inner guide seemed appropriate. I also enjoy the subliminals, though I cant hear the affirmations, I listen to the nature sounds with pleasure. Three months ago Id never even heard of Quantum Confidence, Morrys Method or Morry Z (the BWE engineer behind these products). Now, three months later I believe a terrific person resides behind these excellent products. All my questions (and those of other customers) on the forum have been answered promptly AS IF I MATTER TO HIM AS A PERSON. He genuinely seems to want each person to find the best possible use of his BWE tools as he recognises that individuals needs are vastly different and so are their reactions to BWE. His goal seems to be to empower his customers and there is little - oops, it is more honest to say - no focus on lining his own pockets with expensive repeat orders. Unexpected too was the emphasis of giving back in the form of new BWE tracks, his taking suggestions and feedback on board, and wanting to provide a product that works, rather than making money from faceless clients. Consequently I endorse the products and the person who developed them. I am using Morrys additional BWE tracks to cope during a challenging time, I know the QC will help me realise my self-esteem quotient when I need it. I look forward to starting my day with Digital Champagne for a glowing start to each new day (Thats a joke, no such track exists yet. I thought it sounded gastronomically delicious and intellectually inspiring as a BWE track title, and in my experience Morry is open to customer feedback. So if you get Digital Champagne as a trial version to jump start a magnificent day, the toast is on me! ) Enjoy the QC experience. Claire Blake-Bohm (this is an unsolicited testimonial and reflects my personal experience of QC and TMM - thanks for reading it.) A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.8 Excellent Customer Service by cswaly Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:14 pm I have already previously put down a testimonial on how great the products are. However, I thought it would be important to put one down for the excellent customer service that Morry and Song are providing. Whenever I have any issues, I PM morry and ask him questions. He is very prompt and detailed with his responses. What I have realised is that there are several hundred or thousands of people emailing him everyday and some of them have questions for which he has to keep repeating answers. What amazes me is that he does that everytime and makes sure that he is there for everyone. I just realised how much patience and energy someone would have to keep doing that. For those of you who are wondering how he does it, I do believe the secret is in his wonderful entrainment products which he has used himself for all these years. Song is also helpful in trying to resolve the problems. The genuineness that both of them have is amazing. I really must applaude the work they do and I really look up to Morry as a person who makes fantastic use of his time. Can you imagine how efficient you would have to do to research and create entrainment products, answer questions, set up courses and calls and get time for yourself (Sleeping, eating, socializing etc) b Its really amazing. I am grateful that i came across Morry and his products, they have definately changed my life and have really inspired me in so many ways. I would highly recommend Morry and all of his products. A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.9 Testimonial from Asgar Khan by asgar on Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:16 am Having great benefits from the original quantum mind power, over period of 2 years, this new confidence/self esteem system is absolutely on a level, in its originality and function. Having read many so-called processes, and technology which claim to fire-start the engine of confidence, and self-esteem, this system delivers exactly what Morry has claimed. I will go a few leaps foward and say morry has created a product which far exceeds his expectations. This is my third week listening, and I have experienced the following: 1.Within days confidence levels zoomed,and my conversations with others are more empowering than ever 2.Opportunities relating to work showing up,networking with some great people 3.Im letting go easily of thinking which is problematic. 4.Healing transmission work is more potent than ever,stumbled upon a process of energetic healing which may turn out to be ground breaking! 5.Become a magnet attracting, people, experiences which are necessary for my self development. 6.Each listening to self-esteem triliminal ,I feel a clear flushing of energy going through my body, kind of subtle intoxication which remains throughout the day. 7.My physical posture more straight, and increase of strength when exercising. So here u have it, a positive list of truths. I believe it, there is no system in the world that will produce these kinds of results in the domain of self confidence and self esteem. Asgar khan (uk) A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.10 Testimonial by Blessed70 Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:28 am I would further like to say a HEARTY thank you for your program (Quatum Confidence). I have been using it daily with Monaural, Isochronic and Triliminal CD usage. I listen to the meditation technique about twice a week. I feel that the inner negating (unresourceful inner programs and strategies that I have been doing for many years ARE starting to dissapate) I am still mezmorised and very gracious as to the technology that you have created as a gift for mankind. G-d bless you A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.11 Simply Awesome by yeskola Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:04 pm Hi Morry, I have been using your recordings from June. 09. I have been regular to TMM recordings as Morry suggested. I could say I observed some positive vibrations from the day one.. but I could really see something physically happened After 30-40 days. I have acquired 70% from my wish list with in three months. All of them I have been dreaming from past 3-7 years. Still I need to get few more and IA¡A¯m sure I will get them very soon. I will continue and post more in future. Siva A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.12 Excellent Products by cswaly Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:01 pm Just to let you know, I have been one of those who always spends numerous hours on the Internet trying to find a product that would help me develop myself and achieve my potential. I came across QMP earlier and had listened to the calls and remembered saying to myself wow, this looks really interesting but I cannot afford it now) This year I listened to one of Morrys teleconference again and it really resonated with me. I thought to myself This seems like a really genuine person and this product must be amazing for him to have so much confidence. What really resonated with me was the fact that Morry was genuinely trying to help people. I then joined Morrys private club for the trial as I thought that would be really good. I then immediately bought the digital version of the Quantum Confidence recordings. Something inside me was telling me, This is it, you need to get this I started using Quantum confidence about 6 weeks back. I have had many changes in my life and would like to share them with you: 1. I used the recordings and did not seem to have immediate effects but then one day (within the first 2 weeks of listening) I had to deal with a company who had charged my credit card for something I did not want and I had to speak to them about it. Usually something like this would stress me out, but unusually I wasnt stressed and seemed to actually like the fact that I had a chance to show my assertiveness. My conversations on the phone were confident and I was issued a refund eventually. This was definitely a result of using the program and I felt great about it. 2. I also noticed that I was doing more things at work. I was coming up with some creative ideas to get my students to learn better and understand things in a much better way. I seemed to be able to concentrate better as well. I noticed that things were happening when I listened to the recordings on a regular basis. However, when I wasnt then I couldnt see anything significant. The Amazing thing is that I havent been using the program as much as I would like, and with just minimum use I have seen benefits. I am just trying to imagine the benefits if I used it as recommended. Its very exciting to just think about the changes I can manifest. I was also going off to sleep as I listened to the recordings and I also asked Morry about this in the last teleconference. He said that this was probably because my body needed the sleep and the recording was giving me what I wanted when I wanted it. It made sense because I usually cant sleep immediately when I go to bed and my body wanted me to get sleep and the recordings were helping me do that. It all made sense. I have asked Morry Numerous questions and he has always been helpful answering all my questions. I like the fact that everything is based on science and is not just something that sounds promising and has been taken out of thin air. Song has also been helpful to me when I wanted to buy the QMP program. ( I have been so impressed with the QC that I also bought the QMP, because I wanted to have all the benefits I could possibly have) I have been impressed with the triliminals that Morry has provided for the Private club and I look forward to the new recordings Morry would release in the future. Do I need to still search the Net and look for another self development tool for myselfb NO. This program has been designed very well and I am very excited to use this to help develop myself as a person. Thank You for this Morry and I would highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.13 I Love the Triliminals! by cathyp Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:25 pm Hi Morry, I am loving your new Triliminals! I do not have the TMM Self-Esteem system yet but I am on Songs mailing list from earlier purchases so I was invited to a trial for the Morrys Private Club. I was blown away by the Triliminals that we get each month as a member and I plan on being here for a long time! I am currently listening to the ones on Prosperity and I truly am feeling a shift in my consciousness towards abundance and worthiness. Something seems SO VERY RIGHT about hearing things not only from the left and right but from the center also. When going into therapy several years ago, I was routinely tested as I guess most people are when entering therapy, and my therapist was surprised to find that on the test where you answer questions that determine if you are either right-brain or left-brain dominant, that I answered 50% for both sides. He had never seen anyone do this and he thought that I had figured out a pattern to identify which questions pertained to each side of the brain and answered based on that to throw the test. I told him that I was honored that he thought I was able to do that, but no, I had just answered honestly and that I maybe I was just in the middle and neither side of my brain was dominant. I am still not sure what this signifies for me. But maybe that is why the triliminal process resonates so much with me. I will continue to pay the monthly membership fee in order to get two new Triliminals each month! And hopefully the Prosperity ones with change my life so that the money for the memberships fees (and everything else) is attracted easily into my life. And I agree with someone who posted earlier, Morry, your voice is very nice and makes the triliminals very easy to listen to for me. But everyone is different and if you ever do try-outs again for femaile readers, please drop me a line. I LOVE THE TRILIMINALS and I want EVERYONE in the world to benefit from them!!!! Sincerely, CathyP A¡A¡ Forum Post NO.14 THANK YOU!!!!!!!! by moniagabrys Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:45 am I cant find words big enough to tell you THANK YOU and HOW HAPPY I AM!!!! With all my heart THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!! I have already started to listen to Quantum Confidence Program and I find it amazing!!! As soon as I have finished to listen to it I was filled up with happieness and joy. I felt like God child, loved by Universe. It was amazing feeling!!! I am your fan since QMP but now ... wow!... I am speechless!! I have on my mind words: Friend in need is a friend indeed and about cause and effect... God bless you, Morry!!!! Anytime you want I can send you my testimony with photo and of course I will spread the word to all my hotmail and facebook contacts. THANK YOU, MORRY!!! With love Monika Gabrys A¡A¡See MORE PROOFS... A¡A¡Here are some more testimonials we received from our Quantum Confidence customers After one week, we both noticed a huge improvement in my performance while making love on July 8;; I hate to use the term instant results but it almost seems applicable. I bought the course on July 1, nearly the last minute, listened to the triliminal and the entrainment recording on the 2nd and started to notice the shift right away. More importantly, by Sunday the 4th, my girlfriend and I had a little argument and after we made up she told me she noticed I seemed to have more confidence while we had our argument. After one week, we both noticed a huge improvement in my performance while making love on July 8. Not just the physical act of making love but in the way I kissed her and touched her leading up to the physical act of making love. Not to say I am always 100% confident at this point, I suffered some devastating setbacks at the start of the year and still have the feeling of once bitten twice shy. Yet, the results are the results. I am feeling much better than on July 1 and I am excited to see what happens after my first month. I think one of the keys is Quantum Confidence with TMM is a system that supports each other, it's not just one component. While I haven't mentioned it above, I have also listened to the meditation at least 3 times in the last week and I have listened to at least one of the subliminals at least one hour every day along with using the triliminal and the entrainment recordings at least once a day. Hi Morry, Thank you so much for sending the study protocol with instructions and an explanation as to how it works. As far as the Quantum Confidence Program, I feel as though I've overcome a long time deep down negative barrier. Quantum Confidence has helped me gain more confidence, feel less intimidated and has given me an overall feeling of I'm happy to be alive! I must confess, I'm feeling a little tired and depressed today, but as was mentioned in the telesiminar, this is due to repressed feelings coming to the surface, which only makes sense for many of us. I have been listening to the CD's faithfully and using the subliminals every chance I get. Infact, I listen to the subliminals all night while sleeping. I thank Morry and Song for this extremely important and beneficial program. I honestly feel the whole world could benefit from Quantum Confidence. Thank you, Marcia A¡A¡ It is even better than I imagined it would be Hi Morry, Thank you for your incredible new program Quantum Confidence. It is even better than I imagined it would be and I'm using it daily. Thank you in advance for your help, and thank you for all of the hard work that I know you put in to create this program. Jim A¡A¡ The new ones are a million time more clear
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