Download here:
Stop Smoking! Quit Smoking Forever With Quit Smoking Success Plan
Stop Smoking! Quit Smoking Forever With Quit Smoking Success Plan Who
else is tired of being 'ruled' by a cylinder of tobacco wrapped
in paperb Finally, you can quit smoking forever using
Cameron Kerr's revolutionary guaranteed smoking cessation success ebook. Verify
Me All...Without
Gaining The 'Usual' Extra Weight NOTHING Else To Buy! Try
Here Choose to quit now, and save your
life, You CAN
be smoke-free
with Q.S.S.P. Click
For Our Free
Stop-Smoking E-Course
SiteMap Print
page "Have
You Tried Almost Everything On The Planet That You Ever
Heard Of You *Still* Just Can't Manage Quitting
Smokingb" Then
you finally arrived at the right place at the right time, because
Q.S.S.P. is guaranteed to help you quit......and it doesn't matter if
you are
a 'die-hard' smoker
or you just aren't sure that you can
For Good... because now you CAN
stop smoking permanently - and you can do it without
gaining any of that unwanted extra weight that usually happens when we quit! AND - NOW We've Even LOWERED Our Price!!
Do you mentally answer "Yes"
to most or all
the following questions: You really WANT
stop but just it seems like you can't find the
willpowerb (Help is here!) Perhaps
started noticing that you are losing
your breath more easily than you used to... 'huffing and puffing' with
effort that used to not bother you, like longer walks, stair climbing
or any physical exertionb You
think it's just hopeless
there really isn't a way to really stop smoking foreverb (It used to be
... because the *top dogs* kept the truth about nicotine addiction a
secret.. *they* didn't want us to quit (they'd lose a fortune) but it's
revealed in Cameron's book!) You are really sick
of smelling (and tasting) like a stale ashtrayb
it... after you smoke, you DO smell bad, even with breath mints and
cologne... nothing
covers up that smell!) You
are secretly terrified
of gaining more weight
you stop
smokingb (Now you won't have to worry about that aspect of
quitting smoking because Cameron added a fabulous bonus chapter to the
book that can help anyone
control or
weight for good, too!) If
you did answer yes to any
of these questions then we have some truly satisfying news for
(And, yes,
this is a complete, proven-to-work
programme, used by
real people just
like you to succeed when everything else failed them in the
past.) Your
Quit-Smoking Success Plan (Q.S.S.P.) is close at hand.... so
please don't stop
reading... because - You
could realistically be totally "QUIT" in less than a month!
clients have successfully quit in a day using Cameron's method. What better gift than
your LIFE could you
to yourself or someone else who loves and cares about youb Lifesaving
you from: Cameron Kerr, GHR [U.K.] Donna Maher RN [U.S.A.] Dear Still-Smoking, But Wanting To Quit Friend, ou
honestly *do* want to quit
You've tried
patches, pills, artificial cigarettes, fancy filters,
gums, mints, books, tapes, and *shudder* even "cold turkey".... and yet
you *still* go back to smoking every doggone time.
might already
be starting to cough a lot, or perhaps you are getting
sick of smelling like an old stale ashtray, or maybe your
and friends are complaining about your smoking. Most of all
*you* truly want to quit... you just need some real help. Sadly, your
significant other or your child might be begging
you to stop....
It's gut-wrenching.
It's all heartbreaking
enough, and then that
eventual day
comes when your doctor tells you that you have to
quit or die... you just want to scream! Nobody
how hard it really has been for you when you've tried and tried in vain
to quit smoking in the past.... and
especially if they
smoked! We
both know that no
one can force you to quit, you alone must make the conscious,
deliberate choice to stop your smoking habit. You are here
because you are seeking
that once
in a
opportunity to take back control of your life.
Believe us, it's
far easier than you could ever imagine at this point,
trying unsuccessfully time and time again, we understand that you are
doubtful, but YOU
SMOKING without relapsing, once you make the all-important
to stop now. Well,
this time your
painful search is finally
over... we *do*
your ultimate success at hand and your unspoken fears will all be
addressed and dealt with. We both sincerely
believe that we can help you (yes, frustrated, miserable, still-smoking
YOU) to stop smoking
without the attendant pain and suffering you have experienced in your
past attempts at smoking cessation. We will
the outright myths and lies that you've been fed all your life, and show
you the
way. Just imagine, you
being able to
walk up a flight or two of stairs again without getting short of
breath... yes, it is achievable! (Even if you are now huffing
puffing.) See yourself looking better,
feeling better, and imagine yourself regaining
the energy you had
thought was gone
forever. Feel
the incredible personal
of knowing you won over the habit you've had for years.... and the
self-confidence you will gain from becoming
this brand-new
A healthy, happy, non-smoker! Now you
can finally
feel confident that
you can become a non-smoker...
because Cameron
Kerr is a
highly qualified professional Smoking Cessation Specialist whose
clients consistently achieve at least a
95% success rate using his
And because he wants to help you, too, he has finally decided
to reveal
real deep-down secrets* to
you and the rest of the world, so that you can enjoy the
wonderful freedom of becoming a non-smoker at long last! In this
revolutionary e-Book you will finally
learn some very controversial truths about: The
cynical myths lies about
smoking addiction that we've all been fed our entire lives (no wonder
we haven't been able to quit before) The "evil
con job"
that big business and governments use to keep you smoking, even when
you want so desperately to quit. Why
its almost
"childs play"
to quit when you understand this single fact about smoking.
(We've all been misinformed... it's not your fault!) Why
its not
fault you started and why fear
had doomed all of your previous efforts
failure. (And how to get control of that fear and succeed
smoking cessation at long
last) How
harness the
power you already possess to zap that fear right out of your
mind. (Sounds impossible, but Cameron makes it EASY to
achieve) How to access your
mind to quit
without any side-effects at all (and YES, this technique really
works). Four
powerful techniques that will
remove all desire for smoking forever, with no chance of sliding back
in the future. None! How
billions of $$ are
wasted on a
poisonous therapy which is a complete failure in
most cases - and
youve probably been using it! Why
its impossible to quit by
cutting down, and exactly how to eliminate your habit right now,
instant! (Did we mention without
the usual suffering and anxious feelings
like you have in the pastb) Yes, we
can almost hear you saying.... "Yeah, Right!" "I've heard it
before...." But, please, please, continue here and keep
reading. We
have so much more to share with you, and we intend
to convince
that this
ebook IS
different, and you
successfully quit without
pain and agony you associate with your previous attempts at smoking
cessation. And, it
will be
permanent! No more relapsing! And with no unwanted
weight gain! A
successful and grateful
private client says: I'm not really certain what it was about your book that stopped me
smoking, all I know and care about is that it
There's obviously a lot of research gone into the method and I was
aware something was going on under the surface as I read your
words. Whatever it was you did to my mind I can't express how
grateful I am to have stumbled across your book. you're not
charging nearly enough for this priceless advice.
Ms PD. Essex Cameron speaks:
my own private practice (in a poorer part of England where they are
very wary of parting with their hard-earned cash)
charge my
the British pounds equivalent of nearly $500.00 USD per hour, which
delighted to pay,
to teach them
the very
same techniques
that you will learn in this book for a tiny,
fraction of my standard client fee." They're
because they succeed when everything else has failed before! Yet another
'quitting smoking for good' testimonial: It was great to talk with you
and I'm really happy you persuaded me to buy the book. I'd
idea it
could be so easy. You're quite right, it was my
false belief
about **** that kept me smoking. Once I realised how I've
duped it was all so simple. Thank you so much for my new
Mrs DS. Kent "They believe the amazing
results which
achieve consistently
are because the session finishes with hypnosis. What they
know is that by the time I ask them to go over to the reclining chair
they are already non-smokers, just because of what Ive
taught them in
the first 30 minutes!" I hope that you caught the
power of that last
statement. You can effect
this same power
in your own life,
you won't have to fork out $500 to do it. It won't even cost
but a tiny fraction of that! Just imagine
being free
of tobacco for the rest of
your life,
and how happy you and those who care about you will feel, as
well. A
Customer's Testimonial: Dear
Donna: Thank you very much. I am 52 years old and
retired. I have a strong background in both politics and
business. In
all of my years I
have never experienced the level of service you have provided
Words can not express my appreciation. You see I
have two
special reasons for quitting smoking. Two granddaughters ages
and 5. I need to be here to see them grow up. With your
help I will be able to. Thank you so much. Sincerely;
Jeff Smith AK Ok,
am convinced, let me download Q.S.S.P. now! Why
I'm letting these secrets out of the bag Up to now this information has
been kept a *closely
guarded* secret.
But I can only see about 4 clients a day, so there are millions of
people throughout the world who could be denied their right to a long,
strong, healthy life unless I can somehow get the meat of this exciting
through to you, and to also hope that you'll want to share it with
someone else
you care about. Thats why
Ive made the ground-breaking
decision to reveal all my secrets to you. Without
shadow of doubt you will stop smoking if you read
my book and
carry out the instructions *exactly* as I ask. They
are NOT difficult, but they do require your dedication to your goal,
like any worthwhile undertaking would be. Most
importantly: you CAN and you WILL succeed! And yes, I've heard all the excuses you
fool yourself into believing in order to justify continuing smoking: "But
I can't help it, I'm addicted." "It helps relieve my stress." "I use it to
"I don't have any
Look, just put all the excuses to one side, in my
book I'll
give positive proof that none of these are true, you really can be
once you make
decision to stop
now. Show
me how
to order this book now A couple
more of Cameron's
private clients speak from their hearts: Your exposition of the cynical
way we've all been conned was just the sort of info I've been
looking for.
Deep in my mind I always suspected it but to have it confirmed by an
expert gave
me the resolve to crack this smoking once and for all. I've
non-smoker since last January and have absolutely no wish to go
back. Keep
up the good work. There are thousands more smokers to be
saved. Mr
Lancashire Why was this
information not made available years agob It could have saved so many
lives. Enough to say that it saved mine,
for which you
have my eternal
thanks. Mr
Yorkshire Cameron
continues.... honestly
expect to remain
friends with my colleagues wholl be enraged
that Ive
chosen to *explode
secrets* onto the world,
but your
health and happiness are far more
important than me 'staying
quiet' and thereby helping to maintain the
lifestyles of a few
privileged (and very ticked-off) specialists. Do
You Really Want To
Quitb No
one else can
stop you unless you really and truly, deep in your heart,
yearn to quit what we refer to as 'the evil weed'. But we both know
the alternatives dont
web Unless you can finally put an end to this crippling
habit youll continue to wreck your health, increase the
chances of
contracting a morbid disease, eventually suffer an impaired lifestyle,
literally blow your hard-earned cash away in smoke. Just
imagine what
absolutely incredible
opportunities you have
right here before you... if
you make the decision to stop smoking now: A
chance to save your
enjoy a longer, happier, more prosperous life. A real chance
start feeling good again... A
chance to spend more pain-free
years with
your friends, family
and loved ones. To
be able to breathe
take part in any activity you want,
because quitting has made you fitter, stronger, more vibrant. To
be able to take back
a part of your life thats been controlled by an alien
substance for
too long. To avoid the
surgeons knife
the oncologists drugs.... or worse.... Yes, Cameron... you are making
total sense to me, and I
I must make
the decision to stop now
if I want to start living the
life I desire! Just tell me how to order
your quit smoking the easy way book so I can get started today! Click
order download your copy immediately! If
you have been
worried about
gaining weight when you quit smoking,
have solved that
problem for you, too!!
We just added our meaty and very practical chapter on "Weight
Control Issues" , so now
you have
everything on the planet you need to
stop smoking forever! No
more fretting about
unwanted weight gain. This special chapter is full
of ways to control
the urges to
when you
quit, the myths about
weight gain and obesity, the psychology
behind why we overeat, and even includes some actual 'aversion
Cameron actually uses in his practice for the toughest weight control
and the best partb They work too!
This is a *truly
valuable bonus* that we could actually sell as a
product it's so beneficial to you. Since you have stayed with us
this far, we
are fairly sure you may have formulated a few questions about this
product. We have compiled a list of our most
frequently asked questions from the many emails
received into a short F.A.Q. file. We hope it proves to be
to you. Our F.A.Q.
File: Q: Ive
seen other books promising to help me stop smoking. Why is
one differentb A: My book is not intended
entertain, amuse, or pass the time of day. It has only one single
objective: to make you quit in the fastest possible time.
the actual script I use with such incredible success on my private
clients Q: I
dont have
time to plough
through hundreds of pages in the hope of finding something I can use -
is this book mostly "fluff"b A: Ive resisted
the urge to pad this
short book out with irrelevant information in order to publish it in
hard copy. Every single word is packed with subtle power, so
wont even be aware of how your thoughts are changed until
you suddenly
realise your desire to smoke has completely been eliminated. You can
finish it in a single session. Q: Are
you qualified to give out such revolutionary informationb A: Apart from having over
27 years
experience in life-enhancing therapies I hold mainstream medical
qualifications and am registered with the top hypnotherapy
organisations in the UK, USA and Canada. I run a successful
private practice in England where my services are keenly sought,
despite the relatively high cost of treatment. Q: What
if Im not satisfied with the bookb A: Im going to
make you an offer
which no high-street bookstore or publisher would dare to match:
going to put all
the risk on
me. You have
nothing to lose
but a horrible habit you want to get
rid of anyway! See my cast-iron
guarantee below: Our
Cast Iron 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee (And it's
backed up by ClickBank PayPal, as well) Try
this rewarding ebook completely risk-free
for a full 60
days. If after
diligently carrying out the techniques as outlined in my book, and you
dont believe you can stop
smoking using my methods just let me know and Ill refund
every cent of
your money without question. No quibbles. No
delays. Would
I be
this confident
if there was any chance of failureb No way! That's
why you can be
confident with
this investment in your future....because there is simply no way you
can lose. Besides, it's also backed by ClickBank (and PayPal)
you are triple-guaranteed of satisfaction. You have 8 full
to try out the product... but we're sure you'll quit smoking
successfully LONG before then and be so glad you chose our Q.S.S.P.
product to do it with! Later
on, if you
care to, we will
look forward to the privilege of being permitted to add
*your* happy
testimonial to the rest of our satisfied
now successfully non-smoking customers clients. ~Cameron Kerr Donna Maher~ Make
The Decision To Stop Now ~ You CAN Do It So, dear
friend, the
choice is yours.
Will you close this page forever and continue to suffer pain and
misery and guaranteed future declining health onto yourself and worry
those who love and care about youb Or will
you invest the equivalent price of about one weeks
(average cost to you at approximately two packs per day or less) to
save your
not to
mention how many hundreds of dollars per year you will saveb Make
decision to stop now. You
will never regret this choice! Lesser
Known Fact: Smoking
promotes the
development of arteriosclerosis. Tobacco
smoke is actually more damaging to the heart than the lungs.
have a
chance of having a heart attack (3 times greater than non-smokers) and
a greater risk of dying of the attack (21 times greater than
non-smokers.) Now, let us "sweeten the pot"
just a
more.... we understand that sometimes you get pretty
when you
quit, and maybe you feel a bit nervous and stressed-out whenever even
the littlest things 'bug' you when you're trying to quit smoking, well,
we have a very helpful resource tool for that, too. Read on... We have also got a really
helpful *EXTRA
BONUS* for
Cameron has compiled an extremely beneficial Anti-Stress Self-Hypnosis
Relaxation MP3 file that
will help
get through any stressful times in your life (it's not
for smoking cessation, you can use it for ANY STRESS you have) using
self-hypnosis and relaxation
therapy. It
is going to be included free for a limited time to help
even more to climb
the mountain
of success
at long last. *Exclusive* Bonus downloadable
mp3 Anti-Stress
Relaxation Techniques To
Relieve *Any* Kind Of Stressful Situations (including quitting smoking) Help Keep
You Calmer Feeling More In Control MP3
Note: The original file was in cassette form.
Cameron had
only the second side converted to mp3 because the first side is just a
long explanation of hypnosis and its various uses. The
valuable side with the actual self-hypnosis induction is the important
part that you will be receiving in this package. This
was Cameron's final decision, based on his own professional knowledge
of the contents of the original self-hypnosis induction cassette, and
he found that his clients never used side one
recommend that you use it often, and you will receive more benefit from
it than you can possibly imagine at this point. So
what are you
waiting forb
you have to
lose is your desire for smoking,
and there is no risk at all in taking up our offer. Order
now and this highly
successful e-Book
can be in your hands within
minutes. Only then will you be able to truly appreciate
discovery, and within
an hour you could be starting your new,
wealthier, longer life. Will
you still be smoking
tomorrow and
the tomorrows after that... or
will you make the healthier decision to stop right nowb Can you
really afford to take the chance of never
knowing what you could have achieved though this easy,
methodb Will you
pass over this opportunity and remain a smoker foreverb
you have nothing to lose by reading this e-book, and using the
anti-stress training, the risk is all on us. How much
are these priceless revelations going
to cost youb Let me ask you this: how
much of
your money do you
blow away in smoke every dayb How much does $moking cost you
per weekb
monthb per
yearb It adds up to many thousands of $$$
itb Could
you have bought a Porsche or a Maserati with all that burned up cashb (Some
people actually could! $40/week
X 52 weeks X 40
years=$83,200 wasted and
that's just how much you lose over time by smoking only a few cigs more
than a pack a day habit!) Don't kid yourself into
you'll quit before all those years add up! If you could instead, invest
the price of a
day's worth of cancer-sticks to quit
permanently, would it be worth
itb Only *you* know the answer... and now
you can
quit successfully! You
Have The Power To Save Your Own Life! Order
immediately and you'll receive both the
Q.S.S.P. stop smoking ebook AND the anti-stress mp3 downloads
immediately. You receive BOTH items for only
$27 $19 and you
will gain the power
to change your own destiny and take back a part of you
been missing for so long. What
a small
price to pay for getting
control of your life back. Do it now, while
thinking about
it. Everythingto
gain, and nothing to lose (well, except for that brutal
habit that is taking your breath away literally). Yes,
I know I want to quit
with all
my heart, and I can see the value in this offer... *my LIFE* is at
stake. I want to
order "The Easy
Way To Quit Smoking When Everything Else
Fails" right now
and also be entitled to receive your *exclusive*
Anti-Stress MP3 BONUS
too. I'm ready to quit smoking for good! I
understand that I get BOTH
the Quit Smoking Success Plan eBook
the Anti-Stress
Bonus mp3 for just
$27 = nope... we've lowered the cost for you!Save 30% (and your LIFE)OUR PRICE REDUCED TO Only $19 Download everything
immediately after ordering start creating YOUR NEW, HEALTHIER LIFE!
This is a COMPLETE program - nothing else to buy, no drugs, no patches
nor anything else! (You
can even
print out the ebook for personalizing highlighting if desired) Give yourself the gift of life - ORDER Q.S.S.P. NOW! Click
the Order
button for immediate and secure processing of your credit
using either ClickBank
PayPal on Secure SSL
servers: (A PayPal option is
also available at the order page) (Your
credit card statement
will reflect a $27 $19 transaction from '' or from 'PayPal'
depending on which option you choose to use for your order process.
There is also a third option to use an echeck when you arrive
the order page, as well.) NOTE:
If you would prefer to use PayPal to order, that option is included when
you arrive at the ClickBank servers secure order area. And,
remember that you
do *NOT* have to be a PayPal member to use
their credit card processing services. Need Help Learning How To Download A Product From The Webb Go
here for our EZ Download Tutorial :-) This product started out selling at $37 with
NO bonuses whatsoever, it sold for four years at $27, so please, do
yourself a favor and save some
money (and your life) and order today! Remember, your
satisfaction is fully guaranteed... so all
you have
to lose is a very nasty habit that *will* ultimately kill you! (Over 400,000 people DIE annually from cigarette smoking!)This package now costs WAY less than a
carton of cigarettes (which will ultimately
kill you - as we mentioned before) and Q.S.S.P.
can help you stop smoking and save your life!
Think about this: you can pay $27 only $19 ONCE and enjoy
the rest
of your life in good health instead of spending $35 - $50 per week for
every carton
after carton after carton
of smokes..... spending tons of burned-up money for however
time is left until your last horrificly smothering and agonizing breath. (It also appears to be a very painful way to go, from what I've observed as a RN.) And, one final
gem... all upgrades
(we've already done two!) of
this product are going to remain free to our existing customers. By ordering today, you lock in this *additional
when you become a part of our unique family, because we feel that our
customers deserve
privileges. Go
ahead and order
today! Welcome To Our
Ever-Growing Much Happier
Non-Smoking Family! Your
success is moments away, Cameron Kerr G.H.R.
Donna Maher R.N.
Your Smoking Cessation Specialists
"Two caring professionals an ocean
apart but close
to your heart" Cawood
PublicationsA© AdonnaUnlimitedA©
154 NW Cobblestone Ter
Lake City, FL. 32055
PHONE: 386.755.7874NOMLM For any
or comments,
please do contact us: We are always here for you - both before AND
after the sale! Notes
about Paypal Options (they are included in the order button) Please
that should you choose Paypal through the clickbank option, you will
arrive at the PayPal
which belongs to Donna Maher RN when you choose this
(We just wanted you to know you definitely *will be* on the right
page.) If
you have any questions, we have a contact button above as well as a
separate feedback page for your
communication convenience. (And remember, even
if you are not
a PayPal
member, you can still
your credit card for ordering
there or at ClickBank. Just part of their great services.)
IF for
unknown reason you do not see a "CONTINUE" button on the purchase page
(you need to click to immediately get taken to the download page
after your purchase), then PLEASE email me immediately, as this should
work. So remember
to click the
"Continue" button at the lower
right side of Paypal's processed payment page because it will take you
where you need to be to download your products after confirming your
purchase. Contact me if this does not happen and I will take
care of you ASAP - depending on the time of day/night it is here.
Thanks. May
day be full
of blessings, and thank you for investing in our fine products,
and your own healthier new future - you are now back in control of your
own destiny. With our warmest regards, Cameron
Kerr Donna Maher "Two caring
professionals an ocean apart - but
to your heart" P.S.
If you aren't *quite* ready to order our e-book, please do at least get
your copy of our FREE Stop Smoking Tips E-Course - We truly do want to help
you quit smoking!
were quite surprised to receive a testimonial
about our Free
Smoking Cessation E-course, but we got one May 12, 2006! Here it is: "The e-course
has helped me very much. There
is alot of valuable
information in it and I
know that alot of the techniques that you've
given will truly help me to quit smoking. I've
already started using
some of them! "
you." Kristina Learn
About It Sign
Up For Free
Right Here!
(Just click
the link above to
grab the free
e-course - it may be all you need to quit smoking!)
(Your privacy is strictly honored and protected!)If the autoresponder gives you any troubles - just contact me and I'll help you get the course. To Your Happy, Healthy, SMOKE-FREE Life From
Cameron Donna :-)
can do it... hundreds of others already have succeeded stopping
smoking with
Cameron's amazing Q.S.S.P.
Success Plan!
Other Helpful Pages On Our Site:: SiteMap::About Us: Gotlinksb
Smoking Cessation Links::Become
An Affiliate::Contact Us:: CopyrightA©2004-2008
Cameron Kerr/Donna Maher/ -
All Rights
BizUnlim::All Rights Reserved No part of
this website (including graphics) may be reproduced,
put in frames, or
used or copied without express written
permission from Cameron Kerr and/or Donna Maher.
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